Thanksgiving and Borat
Well here's a random post for you. I haven't posted in a couple days (and by a couple I mean, 12) and really there's no impetus for this post. Not that I need one.
Right now we're cruising through the head and neck region of the body, as well as the pelvis, which was described quite in detail in the last post. The overall mood in the class is definintely one of "let's just get to Thanksgiving." It hit me last week at some point, and hit a lot of more people this weekend, and by now, I haven't talked to anyone who is not excited to get out of here for a few days break before we gear up to finish the semester. And it helps that we only have class on Monday, which means lots of people are skipping Monday and going home on Friday getting to spend a good 9 days at home.
As for me, I am not spending the whole 9 days at home, but rather, I am headed to Richmond on Saturday for Colin and Jules' wedding. I keep talking to more and more people who are going to be at this wedding, so it should be a lot of fun getting to see everyone. It's been a couple years for a lot of these people. I'm then headed back to DC and Baltimore before Thanksgiving and hanging out up in Baltimore for the holiday, and just some time at home. I'm sure there will be some other stuff going on too. And it's going to be weird because I am going to be seeing non-medical school people. We have all joked how we don't know know how to converse with non-medical school people. Hopefully, I can actually do that.
Tomorrow, shockingly, we have class, like every other day of
the week. That's one of the reasons I don't post all that often because it's all the same everyday. Class, study, eat, sleep.
I did see Borat which was really funny, offensive, and all that stuff all rolled into one. My favorite scene was probably the naked wrestling..... wait, what??? No really, my favorite part might have been when Borat had just gotten off the Winnebego and threw his bag down, and the chicken is bag squaked (or whatever a chicken does, cock-a-doodle doo? isn't that a rooster? ba-gak? something like that. I really have no idea. This probably shows that whole "I can't do anything out of medical school thing")
still waiting,
Right now we're cruising through the head and neck region of the body, as well as the pelvis, which was described quite in detail in the last post. The overall mood in the class is definintely one of "let's just get to Thanksgiving." It hit me last week at some point, and hit a lot of more people this weekend, and by now, I haven't talked to anyone who is not excited to get out of here for a few days break before we gear up to finish the semester. And it helps that we only have class on Monday, which means lots of people are skipping Monday and going home on Friday getting to spend a good 9 days at home.
As for me, I am not spending the whole 9 days at home, but rather, I am headed to Richmond on Saturday for Colin and Jules' wedding. I keep talking to more and more people who are going to be at this wedding, so it should be a lot of fun getting to see everyone. It's been a couple years for a lot of these people. I'm then headed back to DC and Baltimore before Thanksgiving and hanging out up in Baltimore for the holiday, and just some time at home. I'm sure there will be some other stuff going on too. And it's going to be weird because I am going to be seeing non-medical school people. We have all joked how we don't know know how to converse with non-medical school people. Hopefully, I can actually do that.
Tomorrow, shockingly, we have class, like every other day of

I did see Borat which was really funny, offensive, and all that stuff all rolled into one. My favorite scene was probably the naked wrestling..... wait, what??? No really, my favorite part might have been when Borat had just gotten off the Winnebego and threw his bag down, and the chicken is bag squaked (or whatever a chicken does, cock-a-doodle doo? isn't that a rooster? ba-gak? something like that. I really have no idea. This probably shows that whole "I can't do anything out of medical school thing")
still waiting,
Well Thanksgiving is almost here and all of us are really excited...and it's about time for all the excitement....and hey to get into the Thanksgiving mod do drop by my Thanksgiving Blog sometime for some awesome ideas and suggestions....visit soon and have great Thanksgiving!!!!
Sean Carter, at 4:28 AM
I totally forgot you'd be at the wedding ... so if you need some good ole med school talkin to feel at home, come find me. =)
Anonymous, at 8:26 PM
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