AMCAS woes and Niels Bohr (and pornography).
For those of you unfamiliar, AMCAS stands for "American Medical College Application Service" and serves as the initial application for medical school. It officially opens on May 1 of the year preceeding the year you want to enter medical school and you can submit as early as June 1 of that same year. (It does take a loooong time to fill out). I got around to submitting my AMCAS on July 28 of this year, still relatively early by many standards but I was not all gung-ho if you will. After submission, the people at AMCAS, who remain a mystery to all of us, process your application.
My application was finally processed this afternoon and in comparing my transcripts to what I entered on AMCAS they verified everything. But the problem here is that they neglected to account for every single flat A that I recieved at UR. Now seeing as this is my 3rd time applying, there are admittedly not 800 A's on my transcript, but there are enough to lower my GPA by over 0.1 points on a 4.0 scale. A tenth of a point may not seem like much, but really, it is. Not only did they not account for all my A's, but they also do not recognize all the credits that I had saying I only had 98 credits when I graduated college.
I found all of this out at around 5:10 and since the office was closed, I hopped on the internet (ok, the neighbors internet.... which I was already on) and emailed the office. Hopefully I will receive a response and the situation will be rectified in the morning.
On another note, I found a job opening in Fredericksburg, VA for the exact position I want. But the problem is that I want to live in Richmond. Alas, the search goes on.
My mom asked me today to show her exactly what I do while looking for jobs since that is apparently all I do now. What does anyone do? They go through the classifieds and for me, that is online. She really has yet to figure out what is on the internet.
Which reminds me of a story from high school... I had to do a research project on Niels Bohr (a Danish Physicist) for some class -- probably something for Mr. Blue as it was on the atomic bomb. And I remember I was researching on the internet and I was reading a webpage that had "Niels Bohr" across the top with a picture of him. My mom walks in and asks me what I was doing, and then gets all accusing-like. She says sternly "Are you looking at stuff you shouldn't be looking at?" I was like, "MOM! It is Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist. Do you REALLY think I would be looking at porn at this time of day??" Makes me laugh to this day.
Okay, well I will update more once I have something more to update.
For those of you unfamiliar, AMCAS stands for "American Medical College Application Service" and serves as the initial application for medical school. It officially opens on May 1 of the year preceeding the year you want to enter medical school and you can submit as early as June 1 of that same year. (It does take a loooong time to fill out). I got around to submitting my AMCAS on July 28 of this year, still relatively early by many standards but I was not all gung-ho if you will. After submission, the people at AMCAS, who remain a mystery to all of us, process your application.
My application was finally processed this afternoon and in comparing my transcripts to what I entered on AMCAS they verified everything. But the problem here is that they neglected to account for every single flat A that I recieved at UR. Now seeing as this is my 3rd time applying, there are admittedly not 800 A's on my transcript, but there are enough to lower my GPA by over 0.1 points on a 4.0 scale. A tenth of a point may not seem like much, but really, it is. Not only did they not account for all my A's, but they also do not recognize all the credits that I had saying I only had 98 credits when I graduated college.
I found all of this out at around 5:10 and since the office was closed, I hopped on the internet (ok, the neighbors internet.... which I was already on) and emailed the office. Hopefully I will receive a response and the situation will be rectified in the morning.
On another note, I found a job opening in Fredericksburg, VA for the exact position I want. But the problem is that I want to live in Richmond. Alas, the search goes on.
My mom asked me today to show her exactly what I do while looking for jobs since that is apparently all I do now. What does anyone do? They go through the classifieds and for me, that is online. She really has yet to figure out what is on the internet.
Which reminds me of a story from high school... I had to do a research project on Niels Bohr (a Danish Physicist) for some class -- probably something for Mr. Blue as it was on the atomic bomb. And I remember I was researching on the internet and I was reading a webpage that had "Niels Bohr" across the top with a picture of him. My mom walks in and asks me what I was doing, and then gets all accusing-like. She says sternly "Are you looking at stuff you shouldn't be looking at?" I was like, "MOM! It is Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist. Do you REALLY think I would be looking at porn at this time of day??" Makes me laugh to this day.
Okay, well I will update more once I have something more to update.
Sweet Niels Bohr story. Good luck with all this applying stuff. I meant to write this about two posts down, but I can sympathize at least a little bit about rejection. When it comes down to it, the only reason that I'm doing what I'm doing now is that I got rejected from everything I applied for senior year. This year I got rejected by one seminary (who knew that theology school was so hard to get into?), and I don't really want to imagine applying for English doctoral programs in a couple of years. The inevitable rejections (from programs that accept, say, only five students a year) are enough to make me not want to do it. But I still want to do it. I guess you have to be a little crazy.
sam, at 9:44 PM
Aww Wait, welcome to my life. I'm looking for jobs too. I thought u were still in DC. Well now that most of our McDonogh crew has or will return to the place inwhich we had come, we should all hang out. Maybe I'll even take on that organization role. Keep job hunting:,,,, state of maryland, counties in maryland, etc.
P.S. totally didn't know you were a Mini Laker - boys latin.
Anonymous, at 8:04 AM
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