Waiting around

Friday, October 14, 2005

Calmer? Well at least Topeka's drama died down

Well I wish I had another crazy update on the going ons at Topeka's, but I think my "fresh meat" status has worn off, and I am just another crazy who works at Topeka's. The only new thing was that girl Jennifer told me (pretty jokingly) that she a goal of hers is to have sex with guys whose names starts with each letter of the alphabet, and that my being a W would really help her out. I am not sure how this fits in her dating Katie, but I digress.

Otherwise, work at Topeka's is going alright. There have been some good tables ($10 tip on a $28 check, with a comment card saying they loved me) and some other not so good ones ($3 on $40 and $8 on $80... the first of those was a family that is notorious at Topeka's for leaving low tips, and the second was really strange, because they filled out a comment card saying that I was a really friendly server, and they liked me, yet they only tipped 10%. ugh. I feel like I need to tell these people that I only make $2.13 an hour and tips are the way I really get by). As one of the coworkers (one I haven't mentioned) said, "you can't take any tips personally... except the good ones!"

There were 2 notable conversations last night that were probably the most polar opposite converstaions. The first was where one of the waitresses was picking up another waiter, and there happened to be some porn on the computer. It was of a girl performing some action, and there were dudes on the video, who all recited in unison "Oh... my... god" It was really funny listening to the servers tell the story, and now one of our sayings at Topeka's is "Oh... my... god". The other conversation that took place was between one of the cooks and I. He asked what I was doing, and I gave him the brief version. He said that he was a Neuro major down at VCU, and then we started talking about neurotrophic growth factors over the food window. I felt like a pretty large nerd, and I also felt the need to laugh at how completely different these 2 conversations were.

I have also been volunteering at Crossover Clinic on Mon-Wed mornings and that is going alright. It is cool being in the medical environment, I just wish that I could do more. Right now I am mostly doing stuff with patients charts, making appointments, talking to patients about registering and stuff. I mean it's fine, but in the first couple days I was made to feel very small as one of the workers there would say to me "Hey babe, do you think you could locate Mario Lopez's file for me" like she was talking to a 3 year old saying "hey babe, do you think you could put that toy in the box for me" So there was one morning I wanted to punch her. The next morning it was me in the front office with another volunteer and that same woman, and she was like "Hey guys, will you watch the front office... I need to go pray" She came back like an hour and a half later... no joke. She is the one getting paid here. Come on! But it is getting better, and I hope to get myself a little more established there and maybe some mornings I'd be able to actually shadow the doctors and nurses and actually deal with the medical side of things. I am just hoping that what I am doing now is okay for the medical schools.

I am also starting to volunteer for the hospice. I head in there tomorrow to meet with my patient. And that is all I can say about that (HIPAA).

Today Ian headed off to New York to visit Sarah, and I let him drive my car to the airport. I would have driven him, but his flight took off at 615AM. So I actually ended up biking to the airport. I know many of you aren't from Richmond, so the airport is a good chunk away and I needed to actually bike through the city. It was pretty cool, and Mike was pretty amazed that I biked there, but it only took 45 minutes and is only 12.6 miles away. I almost put my bike on the roof, and that would have been bad because of the low clearance of the garage, but Ian remembered to remind me not to do that (by leaving a note).

I really wish I could give updates on medical school information since what I want to be conveying to you all is the process of the applying to medical school. But I guess most of the process is simply waiting. The sheer volume of applications these schools receive means that they need to actually sort through them all. Oh, and I am not sure I have posted this before, which would mean it is news to the blog; but I have just had a pretty hard time accepting it and for me to put something on the blog means I need to be completely comfortable with it... but I was rejected from VCU/MCV awhile back (It's probably been at least a month). It really sucks to get that rejection (again) because I really do like Richmond, and it means that I will be moving again (assuming I actually get into a school, and if I don't that I move away from Richmond). Of course moving is the least of my concerns, it just hurts to be rejected from the school that is local, and everyone asking so "Are you applying to VCU?" I keep lying to them saying that there is still a chance I will be here next year. Little do they all know... joke's on them.... hehehe.

So that's about all. I am obviously....

still waiting,


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