The Letter
Of course, as soon as I say things calmed down at Topeka's, I receive this letter from Jennifer last night:
Wait - Since the beginning of our fated association I have become infatuated with the letter "W". That said, I could pose a plethora of "w" questions to you in this first of many correspondences. When? Why? What? and yet I am more curious as to the how. How will you be formally inducted into the alphabet hall of fame? Will the tone be innocence and light? Something as harmless as 2 bodies brushing by - when no one was around to notice so that clothes fall away as easily as leaves? Or will it be violent as a revolution of flesh and ideas? Ideas about limbs and which way they should bend: a new paradigm in the bedroom! But then there is nothing better than a seduction, the actors and their stage with their pretty words. How will [you] differentiate yourself with those who came before you? A special touch OR could it be that you are a symptom of a time and place, the end result of my desire to complete something/anything. To scratch a name off the list.
Take that as you will. Jennifer claims to write letters like this "all the time."
Wait - Since the beginning of our fated association I have become infatuated with the letter "W". That said, I could pose a plethora of "w" questions to you in this first of many correspondences. When? Why? What? and yet I am more curious as to the how. How will you be formally inducted into the alphabet hall of fame? Will the tone be innocence and light? Something as harmless as 2 bodies brushing by - when no one was around to notice so that clothes fall away as easily as leaves? Or will it be violent as a revolution of flesh and ideas? Ideas about limbs and which way they should bend: a new paradigm in the bedroom! But then there is nothing better than a seduction, the actors and their stage with their pretty words. How will [you] differentiate yourself with those who came before you? A special touch OR could it be that you are a symptom of a time and place, the end result of my desire to complete something/anything. To scratch a name off the list.
Take that as you will. Jennifer claims to write letters like this "all the time."
Dude, you are so gonna get used. Awesome!
Anonymous, at 5:47 PM
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