Waiting around

Monday, January 09, 2006

Back in Action

Well after my "break" in Florida, I am back in Richmond. I know I haven't updated in awhile, but let's just say that internet while in Florida was horrible, at best. I got really good at minesweeper while waiting to sign online (263 on expert setting... woooo and to think, I had never beaten the expert setting before 3 weeks ago).

Florida was nice, I got a nice reprieve from Richmond, not that there was really anything going on that I needed a reprieve from. Alas, 2 and a half weeks in the sunshine state allowed me to work on my tan -- which was noticed by a bunch of people. Well, the freckles on my face were noticed. Cause in the sun, I turn into a freckle. I made some money during the time, as I work with the children's program at the hotel that we are beach club members at. It's a pretty cush job -- I "work" for an hour and a half each night (5-6:30) and then from 6:30-7, everyone who worked hangs out and has cocktail hour, where the drinks are paid for by the hotel (Pina Colada with a topper of Rum every night). And on top of it, we get paid $35. So essentially I made $45 a night (the hotel is a little pricey on the alcohol - $8 for the Pina, $2 for the extra shot).

I also got golf clubs for christmas! You will all see me on tour in the fall. Yeah... right. So my days were pretty rough -- On the days I golfed, I got to the driving range by 10, and was there until about 1230. I then went home and made it to the beach by 130. I sat on the beach until about 4, and then went home, showered, and was at work by 430 and then dinner at 7. I then watched TV, with lots of football in the last week. So yeah.

I flew back Friday night -- the flight took off at 8, and we were on the ground in DC by 9:40. That is probably record timing for the Ft. Lauderdale-DC run. Usually it takes 2.5 hours. So that was really nice. I always find it funny that it is only in the last 10-15 minutes of the flight that strangers sitting next to each other start talking. I think it serves as a time where you seem like you are pretty nice, but you don't have the burden of holding a conversation for the entire 2 hours of the flight. Pleasentries exchanged with my neighbor, I made my way to baggage claim and got bags and was off to norther virginia, spending the night with Claudine, Olivia and Mo. I spent Saturday afternoon in a bar watching the skins game and made it to Richmond by 10 oclock Saturday night.

During the entirety of break, I received correspondence from only one medical school -- Albert Einstein College of Medicine (at Yeshiva University), which is in the Bronx. The correspondance told me that I was not going to be hanging out with the Jews in the Bronx next year (read: I was rejected). Ah well. The 2nd committee meets on Friday for my interview at WVU. Which means by next week I should probably hear something. I am trying not to think about it, but since I did not go to Richmond between the interview and Florida, lots of people here are asking how it went, and whether or not I have heard everything, so inevitably I am hearing lots and lots about it.

So that is the update on the last three weeks. Short enough... meaning I really didn't do much! I will be updating more frequently now that I am back in Richmond and have more reliable internet.

still waiting

PS. Obviously you noticed a bit of a change. I am going to try and play with this some more and maybe add pictures. We'll see how technical I can get (probably not so much) And I just read it's really not that hard to add pictures. I will start experimenting.


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