Univ. of Maryland
As you can tell from the title, there is some news from the University of Maryland. And this is the kind of crap I really wanted to post here... to show how long and drawn out and annoying this process of applying to medical school is. The email pops up, and it is from "Admissions, SOM" and on the subject line, all I can read is "Update Status for your University of M" and I am thinking "oh god oh god oh god" as the email actually loads (Outlook is somewhat slow on my computer) so many thoughts are running through my head, including but not limited to "Last year the subject line had the date of my interview in it, and there is no date, does this mean I am rejected? Well maybe they changed their format this year and they don't want to put dates in the subject line"
So as these thoughts are racing through my head, I get to the actual email, and a quick glance over it reveals no bolded type or anything, meaning an interview is probably out of the question.
The first line is "The Committee on Admissions at the University of Maryland School of Medicine has made an initial review of your application but has not yet reached a final decisions as to whether or not to invite you to interview" And it goes on to talk about how I will be rereviewed periodically and I can send more information. Well woop-de-freaking-do. I just feel like it is a pretty big cop-out and real annoying because it is a letter to essentially say "Wait longer". Perhaps I should be happy that I was not rejected; however at this stage in the game I would like to know either way. I say I am really annoyed, but at the same time I have become pretty immune to this kind of crap as it is what I have heard over the last three years. I seem to just kind of bend over and take it. Which is cool and all, but I am sick of it.
In related news, I am starting to get pretty nervous about my GW interview next week. I have been reading a lot lately to try and get up on some of the more recent medical news, like the partial face transplant in Paris, as well as the discovery of a new outbreak that may occur related to the Clositridium difficile, which causes severe diarrhea and has a high mortality/morbity rates. (To be released in next weeks New England Journal of Medicine). Of course, all the while keeping up with the avian influenza cases of the deadly H5N1 strain. Luckily, however, I have not had any dreams recently of being accepted -- the ones where I wake up really excited that the process is over, only to realize within 10 seconds that it was just a dream.
That's about all I have right now. Oh, but I have been meaning to give a brief synopsis of the process... listing where I am with all the schools, to keep track.
Rejected: Wake, VCU, BU, Case Western, and EVMS
On Hold: Penn State and Maryland
Waiting: Albany, AECOM, Drexel, Georgetown, Jefferson, NYMC, SLU, Temple, Tufts, Tulane, Cinci, WVU
Interview: GW
So that's where I am. Needless to say, I am prepping hardcore for my interview next week, and will be so interested in the school showing my interest from the second I step on campus, until I leave.
Oh, and my last shift at Topeka's is Saturday.
Still waiting...
So as these thoughts are racing through my head, I get to the actual email, and a quick glance over it reveals no bolded type or anything, meaning an interview is probably out of the question.
The first line is "The Committee on Admissions at the University of Maryland School of Medicine has made an initial review of your application but has not yet reached a final decisions as to whether or not to invite you to interview" And it goes on to talk about how I will be rereviewed periodically and I can send more information. Well woop-de-freaking-do. I just feel like it is a pretty big cop-out and real annoying because it is a letter to essentially say "Wait longer". Perhaps I should be happy that I was not rejected; however at this stage in the game I would like to know either way. I say I am really annoyed, but at the same time I have become pretty immune to this kind of crap as it is what I have heard over the last three years. I seem to just kind of bend over and take it. Which is cool and all, but I am sick of it.
In related news, I am starting to get pretty nervous about my GW interview next week. I have been reading a lot lately to try and get up on some of the more recent medical news, like the partial face transplant in Paris, as well as the discovery of a new outbreak that may occur related to the Clositridium difficile, which causes severe diarrhea and has a high mortality/morbity rates. (To be released in next weeks New England Journal of Medicine). Of course, all the while keeping up with the avian influenza cases of the deadly H5N1 strain. Luckily, however, I have not had any dreams recently of being accepted -- the ones where I wake up really excited that the process is over, only to realize within 10 seconds that it was just a dream.
That's about all I have right now. Oh, but I have been meaning to give a brief synopsis of the process... listing where I am with all the schools, to keep track.
Rejected: Wake, VCU, BU, Case Western, and EVMS
On Hold: Penn State and Maryland
Waiting: Albany, AECOM, Drexel, Georgetown, Jefferson, NYMC, SLU, Temple, Tufts, Tulane, Cinci, WVU
Interview: GW
So that's where I am. Needless to say, I am prepping hardcore for my interview next week, and will be so interested in the school showing my interest from the second I step on campus, until I leave.
Oh, and my last shift at Topeka's is Saturday.
Still waiting...
Hey. I got the exact same email today from GW. what a coincidence.....Ok, maybe not.
Anonymous, at 1:48 AM
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