Waiting around

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Drexel and Meds at Crossover

I've had a pretty long about 30 hours now. For awhile, I've known that Darci (who lives in California) had an interview at Drexel in Philadelphia today. And for the past about week, Erin had been bugging me to drive up to DC on Monday afternoon, so that I could accompany her to go to Philly to visit Darci. I was mixed on it for a few days because that would have meant 1.5 hours driving to DC, then about 3 more to Philly, and then of course I had to get back.

At 1130 yesterday morning, I decided to go for it. So I high tailed it out of Richmond so that I could make it to DC by 1, so that we could pick up Darci at the airport in Philly. We also stopped in Baltimore to pick up Nimmi (she works at Hopkins). Darci knew that those 2 were coming, but had no idea about me. So we're driving up to the airport (and considering who all was involved, we were late) and Nimmi is on the phone with her saying she is getting out of the car to meet her. When in reality, it was me getting out of the car to Darci's shock because she didn't think I would be stupid enough to make the drive. I decided to do it mainly to see Darci, but also to get a little bit of a break from Richmond. I've been feeling pretty low about all this crap lately, and I thought an afternoon of meeting up with Georgetown friends might be the ticket.

We eventually make our way over to Drexel at around 430 and I had the idea that since we were there, to go into the admissions office and ask about our (Nimmi and my) applications. The lady there was really nice and stopped what she was doing, looked us up in the computer, and told us (nothing I didn't know --hold-- but in this process it's always nice to ask questions you already know so you aren't surprised and react badly (or goodly... is that a word?))

After that, we met up with Shireen and went to a restaurant in this cool place close to Drexel called Manayunk. I think it's kind of like M Street, without the attitude. There, the 5 of us talked about our year last year and who's doing what, how there was some definite Physio-incest, among other things. We stopped by Shireen's place, and then hit the road back towards Baltimore/DC/Richmond. So essentially I took a tour of the Mid-Atlantic Coast yesterday, being in 4 major cities, 4 states, and probably something like 7 or 8 area codes, all in about a 12 hour period.

I definetely had a lot of fun, and it was a good "mental health day" for me.

On a completely different note, the situation about the medicines at Crossover was clarified to me yesterday. Crossover has actually 2 ways of getting medicine. The first way is that they have actually purchased medicine and the second is a donation through a pharmacuetical company. It is the latter that has been withdrawn (the shelves are empty in the pharmacy). So it is not like Crossover is not giving out medicine, the supply is just very limited. There are now very strict guidelines on income requirements in order to get medicine even from the batch that CrossOver has purchased, and that is probably due in part to the fact that once the charts are straightened out, they will get the medicine back from the pharmacuetical company. I just thought I would clarify.

No other news on med schools. Hopefully my showing up at Drexel puts a good word in for me and they can slide me in somewhere. That would be sweet. So wish me luck.

(And no, WVU has not mailed me anything yet. I am not sure what to think)

still waiting,


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