Insult to Injury
Yesterday, I made my 20 minute drive home from work with my windows down and radio blaring some Better Than Ezra. I have been listening to Better Than Ezra a bunch lately, and yesterday, I needed to have this cathartic drive home after another grueling day of scanning at the OB/GYN office.
I realized at one point yesterday that it was Friday the 13th, and a coworker pointed out that there was gonna be a full moon last night too. I am not superstituous so I really didn't think too much about this; when I think back to yesterday's events, if I hadn't gotten out of bed it would have been a much better day.
I decided to check my email around 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon for the first time all day, and low and behold there was a response from the dean of admissions at GW (I emailed her earlier in the week). She informed me that I was being put on the alternate list (waitlist) and reassured me that the committee has been conservative this year in offering acceptances. Crushed probably only starts to come close to how I felt after reading that email. I attempted to hold back the tears; my eyes watered nonetheless. Luckily I was next to a window (we're on the 3rd floor) so I could just stare out that window as I regained my composure. The second 4:30 hit, I was out of there sooner than you can imagine and hopped in my car and spent the next 20 minutes flying down 95, windows open, and music blasting (it was about 65 yesterday, so it's not like I was freezing my tail off.)
I walked into my house, looked at the mail (luckily no rejection letters), and promptly climbed into bed and turned on A Few Good Men. Some time later, Ian came home and all I could tell him was to check his email, as I had emailed him earlier in the day with some choice words that when I think about, should remember that work can monitor my emails. Water over the dam. So he checked his email and realized why I was in bed at 630 on a Friday night.
We eventually headed to dinner, and on the way home stopped at Kroger and picked up a case of New Castle and a bottle of wine (each). We rented "Kicking and Screaming" along with "The Longest Yard" (sidenote: don't go to a rental place at 9 oclock on a Friday night, which I already actually knew, but was in no mood to think about that). And this morning, there are 2 empty wine bottles, 6 empty beer bottles and a bottle of Advil that is about to be emptied.
Another sidenote: After last night, I really should seek this idea a couple of us had this summer which is a breathalyzer for your phone. (at one point I realized I had called 13 people, and thought that 13 is a really unlucky number so I called more people).
Ian and I then made it to Denny's this morning (yes, actual morning), and as we were driving up, our mailman had just dropped off the mail, and in today's mail I got the official notification of my alternate status. This of course, after dreaming last night that I was actually accepted, and the dean had written on the letter "Hope you liked my joke [smily face]" So insult to injury.
I guess the waiting game really starts now. (Also, I am feeling too lazy to do the picture thing right now. It'll come in due time)
still freaking waiting,
P.S. This may sound rash, but please please please refrain from the "At least you got on the waitlist so that is a good thing" comments. I was on 1 waitlist 2 years ago, and 4 waitlists last year. I really don't need to hear how "good" waitlists are because in my experience, waitlist = rejection. Thank you.
I realized at one point yesterday that it was Friday the 13th, and a coworker pointed out that there was gonna be a full moon last night too. I am not superstituous so I really didn't think too much about this; when I think back to yesterday's events, if I hadn't gotten out of bed it would have been a much better day.
I decided to check my email around 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon for the first time all day, and low and behold there was a response from the dean of admissions at GW (I emailed her earlier in the week). She informed me that I was being put on the alternate list (waitlist) and reassured me that the committee has been conservative this year in offering acceptances. Crushed probably only starts to come close to how I felt after reading that email. I attempted to hold back the tears; my eyes watered nonetheless. Luckily I was next to a window (we're on the 3rd floor) so I could just stare out that window as I regained my composure. The second 4:30 hit, I was out of there sooner than you can imagine and hopped in my car and spent the next 20 minutes flying down 95, windows open, and music blasting (it was about 65 yesterday, so it's not like I was freezing my tail off.)
I walked into my house, looked at the mail (luckily no rejection letters), and promptly climbed into bed and turned on A Few Good Men. Some time later, Ian came home and all I could tell him was to check his email, as I had emailed him earlier in the day with some choice words that when I think about, should remember that work can monitor my emails. Water over the dam. So he checked his email and realized why I was in bed at 630 on a Friday night.
We eventually headed to dinner, and on the way home stopped at Kroger and picked up a case of New Castle and a bottle of wine (each). We rented "Kicking and Screaming" along with "The Longest Yard" (sidenote: don't go to a rental place at 9 oclock on a Friday night, which I already actually knew, but was in no mood to think about that). And this morning, there are 2 empty wine bottles, 6 empty beer bottles and a bottle of Advil that is about to be emptied.
Another sidenote: After last night, I really should seek this idea a couple of us had this summer which is a breathalyzer for your phone. (at one point I realized I had called 13 people, and thought that 13 is a really unlucky number so I called more people).
Ian and I then made it to Denny's this morning (yes, actual morning), and as we were driving up, our mailman had just dropped off the mail, and in today's mail I got the official notification of my alternate status. This of course, after dreaming last night that I was actually accepted, and the dean had written on the letter "Hope you liked my joke [smily face]" So insult to injury.
I guess the waiting game really starts now. (Also, I am feeling too lazy to do the picture thing right now. It'll come in due time)
still freaking waiting,
P.S. This may sound rash, but please please please refrain from the "At least you got on the waitlist so that is a good thing" comments. I was on 1 waitlist 2 years ago, and 4 waitlists last year. I really don't need to hear how "good" waitlists are because in my experience, waitlist = rejection. Thank you.
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