GMU and my weekend

Over the course of today it dawned upon me that I have not been posting with regularity and I really have no excuse. Except that I have been watching a lot of basketball lately which has been a lot of fun. I think I might still be in disbelief that George Mason, of all teams, has made it to the final four.
A lot of the reason I have not posted is the lack of the excitingness of things going on in my life. That being said, I have been doing some fun things. Let's recap. On Friday night I went out to Capital Ale House and then saw Insideman - which was a pretty sweet movie. I feel like thought it would have been better had movies like Oceans 11 (I know, a remake) or The Usual Suspects had not been made. Nonetheless, it was a good movie and I won't say anything more in case you decide to see the movie.
On Saturday Max sent his then-girlfriend-now-fiance on a scavenger hunt around Richmond to all of the places where they had a special memory, ending up in Maymont where he was waiting with a horse-drawn carriage and a diamond ring. I had a small part in this by handing out a clue at the Byrd Theater. So another one bites the dust as they say. I feel like I have been saying that a little too often lately; but I guess that's what happens when people have been dating for awhile. This summer I already have 2 wedding invitations already - I know of at least 2 more to come, and there are always the ones that you kind of forget about. That night I headed out to Richbrau to celebrate with them, and ran into another friend who was having her bachlorette party. (I didn't know she was engaged, but obviously she is) So say it with me now: Another one bites the dust.
Sunday involved basketball - this was the game that surprised me so much by having George Mason beat UConn.
Funny story (I think). I talked to my parents today and our conversation was whatever. They ended up going to a party last night and didn't get home until 11:15. THAT is very late for them . So I was talking to my mom today and she asked how things are going and then starts going into detailed questions. She asked me how

That's about all I have left to say for the time being. I'll try and be better about updating the antics that is my life.
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