Details, part 1
Well this post is a long time coming, whether it be 3 years, or 8 days. So I will take the liberty to expound on the previous post of "I'm in. Details to follow"
Just as a starter, for those of you who couldn't quite put it together, "I'm in" refers to the fact that I was accepted to a medical school, and that school is George Washington up in DC. I couldn't be more thrilled at this (well, maybe if it was a little cheaper) and am so incredibly excited at the prospect of going to medical school, being back in DC, and I think part of me is relieved that I am no longer wondering what I am going to be doing in the fall. Here's how it all transpired:
I was working at the office last Thursday (May 11) at one of the 2 computers and Ian (also my roommate for those who don't know) was at the computer next to mine. My phone is in my pocket on vibrate and a little before 3, it starts to ring. I pull it out of my pocket and the phone number is 202-994-1000. I thought about this a little (like .01 sec) and thought hmmm I wonder if this is it. So I open my phone and give the customary "Hello" greeting. All I hear on the other end is absolutely nothing. After 10 or 15 more seconds of attempting to get in touch with the person on the other line, I come the realization that noone is there. So I fold my phone as my anticipation deflates some. I put the phone on the counter, and attempt to start working again. But I can't stop thinking about it. I remembered that I had put the phone number to the GW admissions office in my phone, so I quickly pick up my phone and look for the number for the admissions office and it is 202-994-3534 (not sure of the last 4 digits). Thinking about this, I deduced that 994-1000 is probably the general number for GW and the number that shows up when dialing out. I relay my detective work with a smile to Ian, who then smiles, realizing what is about to occur.
3 painstakingly long minutes later, my phone rings again. Same number. Heart rate increases to near aerobic threshold (that's a lie). Opening my phone a little more carefully this time, I say hello and this time I receive a response. The female voice on the other end informs me that she is the dean of admissions at GW and jokingly wanted to know why I didn't answer the first time. The next words out of her mouth were "Well, I guess this is the call you have been waiting for." My smile broadens to an extent I had no idea was even possible. I shoot a look over to Ian and he's smiling broadly too. Truth be told, I don't remember much else of the conversation, besides the fact that if I have questions that I need to contact her, and that I needed to sign the contract within a week. I think we talked for a good 10 minutes, but I don't really know, I was just too excited.
I hang up my phone, and Ian and I embrace in a huge hug as words weren't even appropiate for the time. One of my coworkers walked in during the hug and I found out later she was going to make fun of us, but then recognized the fact that something big probably just happened.
So I leave the office with a totally different demeanor, though at the time, it definitely had not set in that I was in fact, going to be a doctor. I am not sure that it has even hit now. I have been an applicant to medical school for so many years now, and now to finally get the nod, it feels very surreal. I feel like I need to filling out the application again soon. But for the first time in 3 years, I am not "applying to medical school."
The walk out also commenced the phone calls. I had gotten a voicemail from my roommate from last year letting me know he got the call. I called him back congratulating him. I called my other current roommate in a completely serious tone asking where he was (he was home) and that he needed to stay there until I got home as I had to ask him something. I told him not to worry, but I just needed to speak with him when I got home. After my 20 minute ride home and a bunch of calls, I got home and my roommate had a huge look of concern on his face as I walked through the door. I just looked at him all serious like, and said "I am going to be in DC next year" to which he jumped out of the chair in excitement. I then cracked a celebratory beer at 3:50.
The phone calls continued through the afternoon until about 5 when I showed up to UofR as I wanted to share the news with some of the professors there. I first stopped by Dr. Mayes office and being the day after finals are over and after 5, he wasn't in his office. As he lives on campus, I started walking to his apartment, and as I am crossing the parking lot, who pulls in?? Dr. Mayes. He was really excited and told me that he and his wife would raise an extra glass of wine tonight to me (he had a bottle of wine in his hand as it was). I made my way over to the science building and found Dr. Leo who looked like he was having a rough day, but said that on hearing that news, his day just got a lot better... He then took me to Dr. Myers who was also very proud of me asking questions about what I did. I couldn't find any other professors, but I did leave a message on Dr. Hamm's door for her to call me, which she did later that night; she too was happy for me.
I eventually made it out to dinner with Ian, Mike and Aaron down in Carytown at Double T's BBQ, and that was followed by a rousing trip to Champps Sports Bar and Grille. About 15 people showed up there, and needless to say, some fun was had. Some (?) alcohol was drunk, whether that be beer or other drinks isn't a necessary detail. The details from that night were that we had a lot of fun. It was a celebration 3 years in the making, and it really was really awesome having people to share it with. So thanks. No more mushy stuff now. We made it home by 1:45 and I climbed in bed. Friday morning was rough. My boss wasn't expecting me, but I was a trooper and made it by 8:20 (8 is our supposed arrival time).
By this point, I hadn't told my parents and there's a reason for that. But I am too tired to explain that right now, so that will come tomorrow. Also in part 2 will be much more of a description what has been going through my head in the past week and a lot of realizations that I have come to in the last week. It's been quite a whirlwind, and I have come to understand certain things that I would never have really thought I needed to quite understand. That's confusing, but hopefully it will make sense after tomorrow's post.
still waiting,
Just as a starter, for those of you who couldn't quite put it together, "I'm in" refers to the fact that I was accepted to a medical school, and that school is George Washington up in DC. I couldn't be more thrilled at this (well, maybe if it was a little cheaper) and am so incredibly excited at the prospect of going to medical school, being back in DC, and I think part of me is relieved that I am no longer wondering what I am going to be doing in the fall. Here's how it all transpired:
I was working at the office last Thursday (May 11) at one of the 2 computers and Ian (also my roommate for those who don't know) was at the computer next to mine. My phone is in my pocket on vibrate and a little before 3, it starts to ring. I pull it out of my pocket and the phone number is 202-994-1000. I thought about this a little (like .01 sec) and thought hmmm I wonder if this is it. So I open my phone and give the customary "Hello" greeting. All I hear on the other end is absolutely nothing. After 10 or 15 more seconds of attempting to get in touch with the person on the other line, I come the realization that noone is there. So I fold my phone as my anticipation deflates some. I put the phone on the counter, and attempt to start working again. But I can't stop thinking about it. I remembered that I had put the phone number to the GW admissions office in my phone, so I quickly pick up my phone and look for the number for the admissions office and it is 202-994-3534 (not sure of the last 4 digits). Thinking about this, I deduced that 994-1000 is probably the general number for GW and the number that shows up when dialing out. I relay my detective work with a smile to Ian, who then smiles, realizing what is about to occur.
3 painstakingly long minutes later, my phone rings again. Same number. Heart rate increases to near aerobic threshold (that's a lie). Opening my phone a little more carefully this time, I say hello and this time I receive a response. The female voice on the other end informs me that she is the dean of admissions at GW and jokingly wanted to know why I didn't answer the first time. The next words out of her mouth were "Well, I guess this is the call you have been waiting for." My smile broadens to an extent I had no idea was even possible. I shoot a look over to Ian and he's smiling broadly too. Truth be told, I don't remember much else of the conversation, besides the fact that if I have questions that I need to contact her, and that I needed to sign the contract within a week. I think we talked for a good 10 minutes, but I don't really know, I was just too excited.
I hang up my phone, and Ian and I embrace in a huge hug as words weren't even appropiate for the time. One of my coworkers walked in during the hug and I found out later she was going to make fun of us, but then recognized the fact that something big probably just happened.
So I leave the office with a totally different demeanor, though at the time, it definitely had not set in that I was in fact, going to be a doctor. I am not sure that it has even hit now. I have been an applicant to medical school for so many years now, and now to finally get the nod, it feels very surreal. I feel like I need to filling out the application again soon. But for the first time in 3 years, I am not "applying to medical school."
The walk out also commenced the phone calls. I had gotten a voicemail from my roommate from last year letting me know he got the call. I called him back congratulating him. I called my other current roommate in a completely serious tone asking where he was (he was home) and that he needed to stay there until I got home as I had to ask him something. I told him not to worry, but I just needed to speak with him when I got home. After my 20 minute ride home and a bunch of calls, I got home and my roommate had a huge look of concern on his face as I walked through the door. I just looked at him all serious like, and said "I am going to be in DC next year" to which he jumped out of the chair in excitement. I then cracked a celebratory beer at 3:50.
The phone calls continued through the afternoon until about 5 when I showed up to UofR as I wanted to share the news with some of the professors there. I first stopped by Dr. Mayes office and being the day after finals are over and after 5, he wasn't in his office. As he lives on campus, I started walking to his apartment, and as I am crossing the parking lot, who pulls in?? Dr. Mayes. He was really excited and told me that he and his wife would raise an extra glass of wine tonight to me (he had a bottle of wine in his hand as it was). I made my way over to the science building and found Dr. Leo who looked like he was having a rough day, but said that on hearing that news, his day just got a lot better... He then took me to Dr. Myers who was also very proud of me asking questions about what I did. I couldn't find any other professors, but I did leave a message on Dr. Hamm's door for her to call me, which she did later that night; she too was happy for me.
I eventually made it out to dinner with Ian, Mike and Aaron down in Carytown at Double T's BBQ, and that was followed by a rousing trip to Champps Sports Bar and Grille. About 15 people showed up there, and needless to say, some fun was had. Some (?) alcohol was drunk, whether that be beer or other drinks isn't a necessary detail. The details from that night were that we had a lot of fun. It was a celebration 3 years in the making, and it really was really awesome having people to share it with. So thanks. No more mushy stuff now. We made it home by 1:45 and I climbed in bed. Friday morning was rough. My boss wasn't expecting me, but I was a trooper and made it by 8:20 (8 is our supposed arrival time).
By this point, I hadn't told my parents and there's a reason for that. But I am too tired to explain that right now, so that will come tomorrow. Also in part 2 will be much more of a description what has been going through my head in the past week and a lot of realizations that I have come to in the last week. It's been quite a whirlwind, and I have come to understand certain things that I would never have really thought I needed to quite understand. That's confusing, but hopefully it will make sense after tomorrow's post.
still waiting,
What a great post. I've always wondered what it would actually be like to get a call like that, and it's good to read about it. I was excited enough when I got accepted to UNC's summer program and that wasn't much at all.
Can't wait for the next installment. When do classes start?
Unknown, at 10:31 PM
Wait, that's great. I'm excited for you. Hopefully I'll see you from time to time, being in that general mid-atlantic area.
sam, at 10:27 AM
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