Gettin' Siggy with it

You know, it's funny. There are times in my life (and I am sure yours) where one event shakes your life and makes you realize there is a lot more than going to work, hitting some golf balls, eating dinner and going to bed. Unfortunately for me, this event usually is someone dying. And, if you couldn't figure it out, this happened today with one of my mentors from high school passing away. My AP Bio teacher, Mr. Seigman, passed away this morning of a heart attack, and this is something that is effecting me a little bit more than expected. He had been at McDonogh for about 37 years and he will be sorely missed by everyone there.
This man is someone who got me really excited about science, and is one of my influences for entering medicine - though he wasn't a doctor, he is someone who taught me so much in the world of science and to truly what being a scientist means. He taught me how to be a better studier and a better person in general. He is someone who was strong in his faith, and taught me much about how someone can really reconcile faith with modern science and evolution.
As one of my influences to go into medicine, I was really excited to be able to tell him that I was going to be a doctor, and now I won't have that chance.
So no longer we will be gettin' Siggy with it. Rest in peace.
Here's the site from my school (sorry for the copied image)
Aw, I was so sorry to read about that, Wait. High school teachers can be such important mentors, and I'm thankful most of mine are only in their mid thirties and fourties right now.
Hope you are doing okay today. I'll be thinking of you.
Unknown, at 10:29 PM
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