Figuring it all out
First off - I'd like to welcome to the new readers who have found their way through my profile on the GoogleGroup for the GW class of 2010. If you want to know how I got here, feel free to go back and read some. Or email me and I will tell you. Or if you don't care and are just happy to have gotten into med school, that's awesome, because I am freaking pumped.
As I said previously, the honeymoon phase of this experience is over. I am being brought back to 2 summers ago when I was preparing for Georgetown and scouring Craigslist for a place to live, and wondering if I am ever actually going to find a place to live. I still have not resolved any of the questions of where I want to live and whether or not I want to have roommates. There are pros and cons to all of the decisions, and I just need to sit down and figure out which pros outweigh the cons and then make the decision. Currently, I am leaning towards Foggy Bottom without a roommate. But I may be starting to sway back towards Northern Virginia. Stay tuned. (And if you have advice, I am open).
We got an email from the dean of admissions at GW today discussing everything that needs to be done between now and June 15, July 15 and August 16th (the last of which is when orientation starts). The main things include financial aid, immunizations (DC Law) and insurance. Tonight I looked into the insurance plans. My favorite exclusion in the insurance plan might be "Expenses occured as a result of Injury due to participation in a riot." While I understand the premise for this, I thought it was curious, and even moreso considering it is the 4th exclusion listed out of around 30.
I also start house sitting tomorrow. I am house sitting for my landlords parents. They have a pool which I am sure I will hang out by for the next 7 days. They also have a pretty sweet TV so I am sure I will also watch a bunch of TV. They have 2 cats which I also need to take care of. "yay" But it's a little extra money in my pocket.
I am also quitting the free clinic next week. It's pretty surreal to think that I have been working there for over 9 months now and my time there is over next week. There's been tons of change throughout my time there as when I started they actually took walk in patients and now they don't. I have gotten to know lots of people there, from the doctors, PA's nurses and patients, and I have seen so much of the behind the scenes work of a doctor's office and it has totally made me aware the goings ons of a doctor's office. It has also shown me so much in terms of the problems of healthcare in America. It is really amazing the numbers of people who just can't afford health insurance -- there are people who come into the clinic very regularly and they obviously need the healthcare, and without this clinic they would be helpless as they cannot afford insurance. I hope to one day make an impact in this field.
So that's about all I have for right now. (I'm trying to post more frequently, I promise!)
still waiting,
As I said previously, the honeymoon phase of this experience is over. I am being brought back to 2 summers ago when I was preparing for Georgetown and scouring Craigslist for a place to live, and wondering if I am ever actually going to find a place to live. I still have not resolved any of the questions of where I want to live and whether or not I want to have roommates. There are pros and cons to all of the decisions, and I just need to sit down and figure out which pros outweigh the cons and then make the decision. Currently, I am leaning towards Foggy Bottom without a roommate. But I may be starting to sway back towards Northern Virginia. Stay tuned. (And if you have advice, I am open).
We got an email from the dean of admissions at GW today discussing everything that needs to be done between now and June 15, July 15 and August 16th (the last of which is when orientation starts). The main things include financial aid, immunizations (DC Law) and insurance. Tonight I looked into the insurance plans. My favorite exclusion in the insurance plan might be "Expenses occured as a result of Injury due to participation in a riot." While I understand the premise for this, I thought it was curious, and even moreso considering it is the 4th exclusion listed out of around 30.
I also start house sitting tomorrow. I am house sitting for my landlords parents. They have a pool which I am sure I will hang out by for the next 7 days. They also have a pretty sweet TV so I am sure I will also watch a bunch of TV. They have 2 cats which I also need to take care of. "yay" But it's a little extra money in my pocket.
I am also quitting the free clinic next week. It's pretty surreal to think that I have been working there for over 9 months now and my time there is over next week. There's been tons of change throughout my time there as when I started they actually took walk in patients and now they don't. I have gotten to know lots of people there, from the doctors, PA's nurses and patients, and I have seen so much of the behind the scenes work of a doctor's office and it has totally made me aware the goings ons of a doctor's office. It has also shown me so much in terms of the problems of healthcare in America. It is really amazing the numbers of people who just can't afford health insurance -- there are people who come into the clinic very regularly and they obviously need the healthcare, and without this clinic they would be helpless as they cannot afford insurance. I hope to one day make an impact in this field.
So that's about all I have for right now. (I'm trying to post more frequently, I promise!)
still waiting,
Congrats again Wait.
I don't know if it's a different mindset for med school or not. But my boyfriend and I chose to live in Arlington as opposed to right in the city (I work off of the Metro Center stop and he works off of the Farragut West stop on the orange line). We thought that we'd be stressed about the long hours/days at some points and it would be better to be able to get a little bit farther away then right across the street from work (even if it is only 10 minutes). I guess that way not as big of a temptation to feel like we have to spend all of our time at work and go back in because it is across the street.
As I said, it might be different for med school, but again you might be there a lot and need to get a little farther away.
Oh. and we like the courthouse area.
Good luck with the housing search.
Anonymous, at 3:29 PM
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