Heart Surgery and the Super Bowl
I might need heart bypass surgery by the time I am 25 in waiting for this mail to arrive from WVU. I guess it doesn't help that I keep bringing it up to other people, so they are expecting it, and when it doesn't come, it makes it that much harder to tell them it hasn't come. MaryAnn at CrossOver just looked at me today, and I gave the shrug of "I dunno" and she understood right off.
I was home alone for the most of Saturday, and because it was raining, I felt the need to watch Scrubs (I bought the DVD on Thursday night, and between Friday and Saturday I watched almost 10 epidoses. It's sick) and some other movies. Basically I needed an excuse to sit around and wait for the mailman. He made his normal rounds -- he walks the neighborhood -- and dropped off a letter and Ian's Financial Times. So althought I received nothing, I also gained relief in the fact that I could stop worrying for a whole 48 hours!!!!
But wait. As I am watching Scrubs, the mailman has gotten into his truck and pulled his little mail truck to right in front of our house. "Has he forgotten something?" I ask myself. "Maybe it was too big a letter to held in the regular mail, meaning its an acceptance letter." I then see him carrying a brown box. "Maybe WVU is really cool and mails you a package" (Ok, I know that last thought was a bit of a stretch, but still). So he rings the bell, I take hold of the package and quickly scan for a name: Ian [last name saved for privacy]. Stupid Ian and his duvet cover. I mean really. (sorry bud, haha). Now I know I can really wait 48 hours (well I guess 47 hours and 50 minutes, but who was couting?)
In what is a pretty peculiar occurence, I talked to someone on SDN (Student Doctor Network) for about an hour on Saturday afternoon, and found that he also has an interview at WVU. What is peculiar about it is that he lives probably less than a mile or 2 from my house in Richmond, went to VCU, is considering doing the Georgetown program, took the MCAT twice (we had the same score first time around, and one point difference 2nd time), very similar GPA's, went to high school with John Solano and I think that's about it. It's pretty wierd how small this world really can be. I thought that was interesting.
Changing topics... the Super Bowl. I was very tired of the coverage, not gonna lie. Yeah yeah, Jerome Bettis is going home. But lest you forget, I am a Baltimore Ravens fan, and though my dislike for the Steelers does not rank as high as the Yankees, it is up there. So by defualt, I wanted to see the Seahawks win. Having a Steelers fan in the house makes this somewhat more difficult, especially since he lives and dies by the Steelers. I will refrain from making any comments about the game except I believe the officials may need some off-season training.
I did like a few of the commercials, 2 of them Bud Light. The first was with the "streaker." A brief sypnosis for those who missed it. They had the 2 cowboys standing by the fenceposts watching the clydesdales playing football as in normal years. They then showed a group of sheep with full wool. And then you see this sheep that has been recently sheered squeeze out and just run all over the field. Admittedly it took me a couple seconds to recognize what exactly was happening, but that was part of the beauty of the commercial.
The second was another bud light. A guy is filling his fridge with Bud Light and his roommate comes in and asks how he is going to protect it from the other guys drinking it. The guy stocking it says no problem and hits a button (or pulls a lever, I forget which) and the wall spins around, and all of the sudden a table and 2 chairs appear, effectively hiding the fridge. The camera then pans across to the apartment next door, and a guy yells "come on guys, the magic fridge is back" and they then grab as many as they can. The Bud Light splash screen comes up, and then it shoots back to the guys who believe the fridge is magic, and you see them on their knees worshipping the what is now table and chairs.
There were a couple other commercials I liked. There was one of the "don't judge too quickly" but I forgot what it was... I just remember laughing, somewhat in shock as well.
One thing that is great... today marks the beginning of the next season. We are all 0-0 now. All with high aspirations of making it to the Super Bowl, with lots of people only to get their dreams dashed by the one extra interception, one dropped pass or a missed tackle, leading to the demise of an entire season.
So that's about all I have to say for now, I am really growing impatient. I am going to call WVU again tomorrow and try and figure things about. We'll see I guess.
still waiting,
I might need heart bypass surgery by the time I am 25 in waiting for this mail to arrive from WVU. I guess it doesn't help that I keep bringing it up to other people, so they are expecting it, and when it doesn't come, it makes it that much harder to tell them it hasn't come. MaryAnn at CrossOver just looked at me today, and I gave the shrug of "I dunno" and she understood right off.
I was home alone for the most of Saturday, and because it was raining, I felt the need to watch Scrubs (I bought the DVD on Thursday night, and between Friday and Saturday I watched almost 10 epidoses. It's sick) and some other movies. Basically I needed an excuse to sit around and wait for the mailman. He made his normal rounds -- he walks the neighborhood -- and dropped off a letter and Ian's Financial Times. So althought I received nothing, I also gained relief in the fact that I could stop worrying for a whole 48 hours!!!!
But wait. As I am watching Scrubs, the mailman has gotten into his truck and pulled his little mail truck to right in front of our house. "Has he forgotten something?" I ask myself. "Maybe it was too big a letter to held in the regular mail, meaning its an acceptance letter." I then see him carrying a brown box. "Maybe WVU is really cool and mails you a package" (Ok, I know that last thought was a bit of a stretch, but still). So he rings the bell, I take hold of the package and quickly scan for a name: Ian [last name saved for privacy]. Stupid Ian and his duvet cover. I mean really. (sorry bud, haha). Now I know I can really wait 48 hours (well I guess 47 hours and 50 minutes, but who was couting?)
In what is a pretty peculiar occurence, I talked to someone on SDN (Student Doctor Network) for about an hour on Saturday afternoon, and found that he also has an interview at WVU. What is peculiar about it is that he lives probably less than a mile or 2 from my house in Richmond, went to VCU, is considering doing the Georgetown program, took the MCAT twice (we had the same score first time around, and one point difference 2nd time), very similar GPA's, went to high school with John Solano and I think that's about it. It's pretty wierd how small this world really can be. I thought that was interesting.
Changing topics... the Super Bowl. I was very tired of the coverage, not gonna lie. Yeah yeah, Jerome Bettis is going home. But lest you forget, I am a Baltimore Ravens fan, and though my dislike for the Steelers does not rank as high as the Yankees, it is up there. So by defualt, I wanted to see the Seahawks win. Having a Steelers fan in the house makes this somewhat more difficult, especially since he lives and dies by the Steelers. I will refrain from making any comments about the game except I believe the officials may need some off-season training.
I did like a few of the commercials, 2 of them Bud Light. The first was with the "streaker." A brief sypnosis for those who missed it. They had the 2 cowboys standing by the fenceposts watching the clydesdales playing football as in normal years. They then showed a group of sheep with full wool. And then you see this sheep that has been recently sheered squeeze out and just run all over the field. Admittedly it took me a couple seconds to recognize what exactly was happening, but that was part of the beauty of the commercial.
The second was another bud light. A guy is filling his fridge with Bud Light and his roommate comes in and asks how he is going to protect it from the other guys drinking it. The guy stocking it says no problem and hits a button (or pulls a lever, I forget which) and the wall spins around, and all of the sudden a table and 2 chairs appear, effectively hiding the fridge. The camera then pans across to the apartment next door, and a guy yells "come on guys, the magic fridge is back" and they then grab as many as they can. The Bud Light splash screen comes up, and then it shoots back to the guys who believe the fridge is magic, and you see them on their knees worshipping the what is now table and chairs.
There were a couple other commercials I liked. There was one of the "don't judge too quickly" but I forgot what it was... I just remember laughing, somewhat in shock as well.
One thing that is great... today marks the beginning of the next season. We are all 0-0 now. All with high aspirations of making it to the Super Bowl, with lots of people only to get their dreams dashed by the one extra interception, one dropped pass or a missed tackle, leading to the demise of an entire season.
So that's about all I have to say for now, I am really growing impatient. I am going to call WVU again tomorrow and try and figure things about. We'll see I guess.
still waiting,
I think MaryAnn lives on my street ... I ran into her at a neighborhood party a couple of years ago (before we actually lived here....) and she said she lived across the street. Does she have a husband and a couple of big dogs? I should go talk to her next time I see her.
Anonymous, at 4:01 PM
Try to stay sane with all the waiting. I really sincerely hope it pays off for you this year. No heart surgery! ;o)
Unknown, at 5:25 PM
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