A nice cop and "Boneless" Wings
Ian and I went to Williamsburg today.... it was a hot shopping date (David from Topeka's would be jealous... hahaha) really I just needed a new button down shirt.... so on the way home, I was in the fast lane behind this white car... that in hindsight, I should have recognized to be a cop car but anyways..... there was this car coming up behind me and ended up tailgating me, so I sped up a little and was riding too close to the cop (white car in front of me)....... he flashes his lights, and pulls into the right lane, and gives me this look of absolute disgust and sternly points to the right side of the road. So I pull over and he comes up to my car and says "license and registration, I am pulling you over for reckless driving" so I give him that stuff and he askes how my driving record is. I say thats its perfectly clean (true statement) and he starts lecturing me, saying I was drving too closely, and that had he had slammed on his breaks, I would have slammed into him or ended up in a tree on the side of the road. Then I told him about the car behind me.... and he said (exact words): "Well this one is going to be on you, but in the future you are really going to need to watch out because I patrol these roads and look for people like you...... oh wait, sorry, this one is going to be on me, but you still need to watch out" I then drove off, doing the speed limit the rest of the way. My heart rate was probably at about 150 BPM cause reckless driving is a lot... including a mandatory court appearance. It was obviously my good looks that got me out of the ticket.
In other news, I received official notification from George Washington today on my interview. It will be on December 8th. I am pretty excited to receive official word, though it came in a small envelope with one piece of paper, so for the second that I was opening it, I was afraid I got switched to the reject pile. Lucky for me...
Topeka's is riding a thin line with me right now. I had a real rough night tonight, and could have dealt without all the BS from some of the other servers and customers... then of course not to mention the low amount of tips. We will see (said the blindman). The good thing about working there is that most everyone is easygoing, and sarcasm runs rampant. It's just that sometimes people really get on my nerves.
Random thought. Ian, Mike and I went to BW3's tonight (after I got home), and they had a special on "Boneless Wings." I must say that I was not too impressed with them as I felt they were merely glorified chicken nuggets. They did not look like wings, and more importantly, they did not have the same wing meat. It really was just an enlarged chicken nugget. I mean it was good, but I was really in the mood for wings and I got chicken nuggets. I digress.
I have nothing to do tomorrow, which is real sweet. Well, besides clean my room. It's a disaster area. And for the first time in awhile, I don't have the excuse that it is "test week" Cause lets be honest, I am not taking any tests, and it feels good.
Still waiting...